Vol 7, No 1 (Feb, 2018)

Brittany L. Hott, Beth Jones, Texas A&M University-Commerce

We are excited to begin our editorial term and are pleased to share the spring 2018 issue of the Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship. This issue would not have been possible without the effort of our entire JOSEA team. We wish to thank Dr. Sang Nam for his term as editor and for his continued mentorship. Our editorial board is growing and we are thankful for timely and thoughtful reviews. Lauren Ruth Reyna, Honors College Texas A&M-Commerce, recently joined the JOSEA team. She is serving as our copy editor and will assist with author communication. We also want to express our sincere appreciation to the authors whose work is included in this issue. The dedication of the JOSEA team to the special education field is evident and reflected in the important work included in our latest issue.

The spring 2018 issue of JOSEA includes five articles on a variety of special education topics. Several articles report findings from empirical studies. Benjamin Riden, doctoral student at The Pennsylvania State University, and colleagues present findings from a synthesis of the Daily Behavior Report Card literature and Wilhelmina van Dijik, doctoral student University of Florida, shares findings from a study examining student characteristics as predictive factors of oral reading fluency. Soraya Fallah along with co-authors Murawski, and Moradian report results of a mixed methods study on the experiences and perceptions of Middle Eastern, North African, and Southwest Asian (MENASWA) families whose children receive special education and related services in the US schools. Fallah, recently earned her doctorate in Education Leadership and Policy Studies form the University of California. Ruth E. Jefferson, Assistant Professor Ball State University, and colleagues present findings from a study evaluating the impact of implementing a summer camp for children with disabilities on university students' perceptions of social justice and Janna Brendle, Assistant Professor of Educational Psychology and Leadership at Texas Tech, reports results from a survey on rural educators' knowledge of vocational and assessment practices for students with intellectual disabilities

We are hopeful that the issue is beneficial to the JOSEA readership and want to share some recent updates. We are actively seeking manuscripts for our summer and fall 2018 issues. JOSEA continues to actively seek empirical research articles reporting results of quantitative, qualitative, single case, and mixed methods studies. Empirical reviews using meta-analytic and research synthesis methods are also encouraged. Future issues of JOSEA will include practitioner articles that share evidence-based practices for students with, or at-risk, for disabilities. Please see our updated Author Guidelines for additional information (insert link to author guidelines). We encourage you to submit your work and consider volunteering to serve as a guest reviewer for upcoming issues.


A Synthesis of the Daily Behavior Report Card Literature from 2007 to 2017

Benjamin S. Riden Jonte' C. Taylor David L. Lee Mary Catherine Scheeler Pennsylvania State University Abstract: Daily behavior report cards (DBRCs) have shown to be effective in addressing academic and behavioral challenges for a variety of students in past literature. The purpose of this literature review and analysis is to update and summarize findings on the use of DBRCs on academic and social behavior for students considered to have disruptive behaviors or identified with disabilities. We identified eleven studies in the literature examining DBRCs with 390 participants with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, specific learning disabilities, emotional behavioral disorders, speech and language, multiple disabilities, other health impairments, or considered to have disruptive behavior in Pre-K through sixth grade academic settings. We also calculated effect sizes overall for each study and student-based characteristics. Findings suggest that using DBRCs have a range from weak to strong impact on the academic and social behaviors of students considered to have disruptive behaviors or students with disabilities in classroom settings. We present implications for research and practice.

The Influence of Student Characteristics on Early Elementary Oral Reading Fluency

Wilhelmina van Dijk University of Florida Abstract: Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) is a widely-used index of reading ability in early elementary grades; however, little information exists on predictive value of student characteristics on ORF scores (Wang, Algozzine, Ma, & Porfeli, 2011). A three-step sequential model was used to analyze the influence of student characteristics on scores (N = 2649) on an end of year ORF measure. Results indicate gender, race, lunch status, and English Language Learner status explained 7% of the variance in scores after controlling for grade and school characteristics (ΔR2 = .07, F8, 2626 = 35.93, p = < .001), and Special Education (SPED) status explained an additional 5% (ΔR2 = .05 F9, 2625 = 59.45, p = < .001). The predictive value of several student characteristics changed depending on SPED status, and this was also a significant moderator on grade level (ΔR2 = .002 F2, 2623 = 4.12, p = .016). The use of these results in subsequent research is discussed.

The Importance of Developing Cultural Competence in Working with Families of Students with Disabilities from the Middle East, North Africa, and Southwest Asia

Soraya Fallah Wendy Murawski Zaniar Moradian California State University, Northridge Abstract: This article describes the importance of developing cultural competencies when working with families who come from culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) backgrounds. Using a mixed methods study, the experiences of 125 families from Middle Eastern, North African, and Southwest Asian (MENASWA) descent who have children in the U.S. Special Education system were analyzed. The intent of the research was to determine if specific demographics impacted the experiences and perceptions of these families, most specifically their perception of a school's cultural competency. Survey responses and interviews resulted in numerous suggestions and recommendations that can help educators and administrators to better serve this under-represented population.

University Students' Perceptions of Social Justice: The Impact of Implementing a Summer Camp for Children with Disabilities

Ruth E Jefferson, Ed.D. Ball State University Christina E Grant, Ph.D. Murray State University Lindsay Rye Laura A Bassette, Ph.D., BCBA-D Matt Stuve, Ph.D. Ryan Heneisen Ball State University Abstract: University students who experience real-world service tend to develop a more inclusive world view and enhanced understandings outside of their personal perspectives. This project combined course objectives, community collaboration, and service provision to identify the impact of students' understanding of social justice and disability access realities. The purpose of this study was to explore the impact of a service-learning university course on social justice education. The study explored how constructs including empathy, attitudes towards diversity, self-efficacy, and personal communication (of undergraduate university students) were impacted by interactions with children with disabilities in a summer camp setting that included various activities (e.g., art, equestrian). The study utilized surveys completed by university students prior to a service-learning experience and again after the project. Pre- and during- camp reflection data were also analyzed.

Rural Vocational and Transition Assessment Practices for Students with Intellectual Disabilities: What Do Educators Really Know?

Janna Brendle, Ph.D. Texas Tech University Kathryn J. Tucker, Ed.D. Concord University Robin H. Lock, Ph.D. Texas Tech University Abstract: Transition planning requires quality vocational and transition assessment tailored to the student's needs, strengths, preferences and interests. Limited research is currently available that addresses assessment types and use of results that rural practitioners utilize to aid in transition planning for students with intellectual disabilities (ID). A group of 71 rural educators were surveyed to determine their transition assessment understanding and practices in the rural setting. This descriptive study examined rural educators' understanding of vocational and transition assessment methods used in their rural settings, the transition assessment instruments they use with students with ID, and the impact that transition assessment has in determining the needs of students with ID. The results indicate the majority of the rural educators in the study reported limited understanding in the use of assessment results for student vocational and transition planning and expressed the need for training in this area to improve outcomes for students with ID.

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Paul Luelmo, Ph.D.
San Diego State University
Email: pluelmo@sdsu.edu

Publication Manager
Jemma Kim, Ph.D.
California State University, San Bernardino
Email: jemmakim@csusb.edu