JOSEA adopts APA Ethics Code Standards summarized in the following.

Responsibilities of Authors
Authors must present data that is accurate and complete. Presenting data that has been fabricated or falsified in any way is strictly prohibited (APA Ethics Code Standard: Reporting Research Results).

Modifying and omitting results, and altering visual images to support a hypothesis is prohibited (APA Ethics Code Standard: Avoidance of False or Deceptive Statements).

Authors are responsible for making public and correcting any errors discovered after publication.

Data Retention and Sharing
To ensure an accurate review process, authors do their best in making data available to the editor of JOSEA. After publication, data must be made available to other professionals for scholarly review (APA Ethics Code Standard: Sharing Research Data for Verification).

Piecemeal Publication of Data
Misrepresenting previously published material as original is strictly prohibited (APA Ethics Code Standard: Duplicate Publication of Data). Submitting for publication manuscripts that have been previously published in whole or substantial part elsewhere is strictly prohibited. Therefore, authors must acknowledge and cite previously published work.

Piecemeal, or fragmented, publication is strongly discouraged, so as not to mislead readers to believing that findings were gathered during independent instances of data collection or analyses. Therefore, manuscripts should be presented as completely as possible, unless the author has justifiable reason to report findings in separate manuscripts. Authors who wish to divide the report of a study should inform the editor and provide any information requested by the editor. It is also the responsibility of the author to alert the editor of the existence of any prior or similar publication in another journal.

Plagiarism and Self-Plagiarism
Plagiarism or claiming the written words and ideas of others as one's own is strictly prohibited. The originating author must be given credit. (APA Ethics Code Standard: Plagiarism). Authors must not present their own previously published work as new scholarship. Doing so is an act of self-plagiarism and is prohibited by JOSEA. When a manuscript is found to have plagiarism, it will be rejected at any point of the peer-review process.

Conflict of Interest
Authors are responsible for reporting any conflicts of interest, existing and potential. In an author's note or letter, authors must disclose activities and relationships that may be construed as conflicts of interests, including positive and negative biases.

Responsibilities of Editor and Reviewers
The reviewer must recuse himself from the review process of any manuscript should any one of the following be true.

1. The reviewer feels unqualified to review an assigned manuscript;

2. The reviewer is unable to meet the deadline for completion of the review;

3. The reviewer has a conflict of interest such as an obvious personal or professional relationship with the authors or coauthors that can be construed as bias.

The reviewer should immediately notify the editor of any similarities between the manuscript under review and another paper either published or under consideration by JOSEA or another journal. The reviewer should immediately call to the editor's attention a manuscript containing plagiarized material or falsified data.

The editor and reviewers are prohibited from circulating or quoting manuscripts under editorial review. Unpublished manuscripts are to remain confidential. The only permissible circulation of an unpublished work shall be among editors and reviewers (APA Ethics Code Standard: Reviewers).

Rights and Welfare of Research Participants
Researchers must follow appropriate APA Ethics Code Standards when conducting research with human and animal participants. Authors are required to certify that they have followed these standards.

Publication Credit
Authorship shall be limited to those individuals who have made a significant contribution to and willingly accept responsibility for the published work (APA Ethical Code Standard: Publication Credit). Authorship shall not be limited to those who perform the writing, but also to those who have made substantial scientific contributions to a study.

Contact us We love to listen.

Paul Luelmo, Ph.D.
San Diego State University

Publication Manager
Jemma Kim, Ph.D.
California State University, San Bernardino