Vol 9, No 2 (Jul, 2020)


Developing and Implementing FBA-BIPs in Elementary Classrooms: A Conceptual Replication

Shanna E. Hirsch, Ph.D., BCBA-D1, Allison L. Bruhn, Ph.D.2, Kristina Randall, Ph.D.3, Michelle Dunn, Ph.D.4, Jill Shelnut, Ph.D1, and John Wills Lloyd, Ph.D.5
1Education and Human Development, Clemson University
2Teaching and Learning, University of Iowa
3Education, Human Performance, and Health, University of South Carolina Upstate
4LifeSpan Institute, University of Kansas
5Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education, University of Virginia
Abstract: The majority of students with disabilities and behavioral challenges are taught in general education classrooms. Although these students may receive interventions resulting in positive behavioral changes, little is known about the collateral effects of implementing behavior intervention plans (BIP) on classroom peers with similar behavioral problems who are not receiving an intervention. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of functional behavioral assessments (FBAs) and BIPs for students with challenging behavior as well as their peers. We measured target student and peer academic engagement, as well as treatment integrity and social validity. As a result of the intervention, target students demonstrated increased academic engagement. In addition, results suggest that the FBA-BIPs had small effects on engagement for some peers.

Keywords: behavior intervention plans, functional assessment-based interventions, positive behavior interventions and supports

Effective Approaches in Reducing Reading Discrepancy Scores between Students in General Education and Special Education

Jeannine M. Butler, Ed.D. TRIAD Community Unit School District Karee O. Nasser, Ed.D. McKendree University Abstract: This research study examined curricular and instructional approaches that help students who receive special education services meet common Illinois state standards as measured by annual state standardized testing. Despite having supportive accommodations and modifications, Illinois students who receive special education services have lagged behind their general education peers in meeting academic standards as measured by annual Illinois state testing. Participants included personnel from schools that were identified as being high performing while also having the smallest discrepancy between students in general education and special education. These schools were investigated to determine what approaches they use to have this reduced achievement gap. Teachers and administrators from these schools were interviewed to gain insights regarding effective instructional and curricular methods. The results suggest that schools closing the achievement gap implemented instructional approaches including co-taught and inclusion classrooms, differentiation, and time for professional planning and collaboration. Additionally, these schools offered purchased, researched-based reading curricula that were implemented with high fidelity. Teachers in both special education and general education had the same materials to reference and offer students. Implications for practice and future research directions are reported.

Keywords: Achievement gap, co-teaching, reading, standardized testing

Adapted Shared Reading: A Study of its Effectiveness in Inclusive Preschool Classrooms

Andrea Golloher, San José State University Abstract: Adapted shared storybook reading has been demonstrated to be effective at increasing both engagement and comprehension during shared storybook reading for elementary-aged students with exceptional needs. Research on these methods has primarily been conducted with students in self-contained elementary classrooms and has lacked evidence of generalization to new texts. This study examined the use of the adapted shared reading program in inclusive early childhood classrooms. Using a multiple baseline across participants design, the program was shown to be effective at increasing engagement, listening comprehension, and communication during shared reading interactions. These skills were generalized to novel adapted texts. Teachers’ perceptions of the reading program were explored. Pre- and post-intervention interviews suggest that the teachers found the goals, procedures, and outcomes of the reading program generally appropriate for preschool students.

Keywords: Literacy, adapted shared reading, universal design for learning, early literacy, early communication

Multicultural Education and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Field Placements: Influence on Pre-Service Teacher Perceptions

Jerae Hutchison Kelly Abstract: As public school student demographics continue to diversify, the employment of multicultural education pedagogy in special education becomes ever more critical. Multicultural education pedagogy supports the placement of special education pre-service teachers (SEPSTs) in culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) field placements; yet scholars warn field placements have the potential to reinforce deficit-centered perceptions. Therefore, this pilot study sought to examine SEPSTs perceptions of students who are CLD and their educational needs in response to placement in CLD field experience through interviews with three SEPSTs in one teacher preparation program (TPP). Findings align with previous work in the field, underscoring the importance of critical reflection and the alignment of multicultural content in required coursework. Future research and implications for teacher preparation are also discussed.

Keywords: multicultural education, cultural and linguistic diversity, field experiences, teacher preparation

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Paul Luelmo, Ph.D.
San Diego State University
Email: pluelmo@sdsu.edu

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Jemma Kim, Ph.D.
California State University, San Bernardino
Email: jemmakim@csusb.edu