Vol 7, No 3 (Dec, 2018)

Beth Jones & Brittany L. Hott, Texas A&M University-Commerce

We are excited to share the Fall 2018 Issue of the Journal of Special Education Apprenticeship. As we approach the holiday season, we took some time to reflect on JOSEA's history and successes. The number of manuscript submissions continues to rapidly increase as does our impact. This year we had submissions from three countries and during the month of October 2018 alone, JOSEA manuscripts were downloaded 432 times!

This issue includes articles focusing on timely, and important, special education issues. Both practitioner and research articles are featured. We are excited to use JOSEA as a vehicle to translate research to practice and are hopeful that this section will continue to serve the field.

Due to the significant increase in manuscript submissions, we are actively seeking additional review board members and field reviewers. A mentorship model is in place to support both new reviewers and authors. Please email JOSEA@tamuc.edu if you have an interest in serving. We would like to congratulate Dr. Marla Lohmann, Colorado Christian University, and Dr. Kathleen Randolph, University of Colorado Colorado Springs, as JOSEA 2018 Reviewers of the Year. They both provided on-time, positive, and quality reviews. Drs. Lohmann and Randolph will be editing a special issue of JOSEA focused on technology and special education. Please email krandolp@uccs.edu or mlohmann@ccu.edu for additional information. Thank you for your continued support, readership, and submissions. Happy holidays!

Brittany L. Hott & Beth Ashby Jones JOSEA Editors


Universal Design for Transition: A Conceptual Framework for Blending Academics and Transition Instruction

LaRon A. Scott, Virginia Commonwealth University
Lauren Bruno, Virginia Commonwealth University
Abstract: This theoretical paper comprised the development of a conceptual framework for blending academic and transition content to help members of the special education field meet both the academic and transition needs of students with disabilities, including students with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). The current conceptual framework was used to explain how the components from Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and transition are blended to create the Universal Design for Transition (UDT) framework, which is a guide for implementing and promoting barrier-free transitions. In the current study, the final conceptual framework included multiple components that use the following UDL academic principles: (a) multiple means of representation, (b) multiple means of expression, and (c) multiple means of engagement. The UDL concept of barrier-free learning was combined with the transition-based principles of: (a) multiple life domains, (b) multiple means of assessment, (c) self-determination, and (d) multiple resources and perspectives, to form the UDT conceptual framework. Implications and planning for future research regarding the UDT framework are discussed.

Keywords: UDL, transition, universal design, UDT

Applying the Principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in the College Classroom

Kathleen A. Boothe, Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Marla J. Lohmann, Colorado Christian University
Kimberly A. Donnell, Piedmont Public Schools
D. Dean Hall, Colorado Christian University
Abstract:Universities are charged with educating students from diverse backgrounds, including ELL students, nontraditional students, military students, first generation college students, and students with disabilities. In order to meet the wide variety of learning needs and abilities in the college classroom, teachers must find innovative methods for reaching this diverse population of students. One potential solution is Universal Design for Learning (UDL). Through instructional and assessment strategies that address the why, how, and what of learning, the UDL approach ensures that all students can learn. The research regarding the concept of using UDL in the college classroom is minimal, but shows promise in meeting the needs of all students and the federal laws focusing on UDL. This article provides faculty with background information on UDL as well as ways to incorporate these strategies into their current courses.

Keywords: accessibility, college teaching, higher education, universal design for learning, university instruction

Early Career Special Education Teachers Perceived Value of Being Mentored By General Education Teachers

Kyena E. Cornelius, ED.D., Minnesota State University, Mankato
Karin N. Sandmel, Ph.D., Minnesota State University, Mankato
Abstract:Special education induction research has examined mentor support and working conditions of early career special education teachers (ECSETs) for over 20 years. Recently researchers provide specialized professional development to mentors based on suggestions of special education induction research. Drawing on quality indicators of single-subject research and the belief that social validity data is valuable, we used qualitative methods to discover ECSETs' perceptions of the intervention and the helpfulness of the mentors. We then compared responses of the participants with the existing research in special education induction. Findings indicate the participants appreciated the specialized training for their mentors and perceived their mentors as helpful and affected their teaching experiences. However, similar to existing research, the participants had mixed feelings about their working conditions.

Keywords: early career special education teachers, mentoring supports, working conditions, social validity

Using Learning Express-Ways in Special Education Teacher Preparation: Developing Student-Faculty Relationships as a Path to Partnership

Heather H. Smith, Ph.D., Trinity University
Anthony Sanchez, M.A.T., East Central Independent School District
Maria Peterson-Ahmad, Ph.D., Western Oregon University
Christine Woodbury, Ph.D., Houston Baptist University
Belinda B. Mitchell, Ph.D., Shepherd University
Abstract:This paper explores the effects of implementing Learning Express-Ways as an instructional communication tool between students and faculty in courses that are part of a special education teacher preparation program and apprenticeship. Findings suggest that using Learning Express-Ways contributed to the development of learning relationships with faculty and this instructional communication tool may be helpful in creating a partnership-focused approach in special education teacher preparation program.

Keywords: Learning Express-Ways, instructional communication tool, special education teacher preparation, feedback, reflection, partnership

Contact us We love to listen.

Paul Luelmo, Ph.D.
San Diego State University
Email: pluelmo@sdsu.edu

Publication Manager
Jemma Kim, Ph.D.
California State University, San Bernardino
Email: jemmakim@csusb.edu