Vol 8, No 1 (Jul, 2019)


An Investigation of the Qualities, Knowledge, and Skills of Effective Teachers for Students with Emotional/Behavioral Disorders: The Teacher Perspective

Joseph C. Leggio, Ph.D., Katherine L. Terras, Ed.D., University of North Dakota
Abstract: This study investigated the qualities, knowledge, and skills of effective teachers for students with emotional/behavioral disorders (EBD) from the perspective of six special education teachers. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews and a focus group. An analysis of the data yielded three themes. First, effective EBD teachers develop unconditional teacher-student relationships. No matter how many setbacks a student with EBD may experience, the effective EBD teacher relentlessly affirms his or her belief in the student’s ability to succeed. Second, effective EBD teachers create positive classroom environments. When students with EBD are removed from the general education setting or experience a crisis at school, the effective EBD teacher provides a safe, consistent, and nonjudgmental haven. Finally, effective EBD teachers individualize instruction. Having knowledge of behavioral disorders and effective strategies is insufficient. The effective EBD teacher identifies the unique needs of each student and designs instruction that meets students’ individual academic and behavioral needs.

Keywords: emotional/behavioral disorder, teachers, effective special education, students

Using a Universal Design for Learning Framework to Provide Multiple Means of Representation in the Early Childhood Classroom

Ariane N. Gauvreau, University of Washington, College of Education
Marla J. Lohmann, Colorado Christian University, College of Adult & Graduate Studies
Katrina A. Hovey, Western Oregon University, College of Education

Abstract: In order to ensure high quality outcomes for all children in the early childhood classroom, teachers are expected to utilize both the Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) provided by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC, 2009), as well as the Division of Early Childhood (DEC) Recommended Practices (DEC, 2014). Both NAEYC’s DAP and DEC’s Recommended Practices align with the use of Universal Design for Learning (UDL). UDL is a framework that supports the learning needs of all learners through intentional, proactive, and reflective instruction and interactions. This article provides a brief overview of UDL, with a specific focus on multiple means of representation in the early childhood classroom.

Keywords: early childhood, evidence-based instruction, preschool, Universal Design for Learning

Examining the Perspectives of Elementary Education Teachers Prepared Through Traditional and Dual License Programs

Kelly A. Swindlehurst, Ph.D., Plymouth State University
Colby T. Kervick, Ed.D, Katharine G. Shepherd, Ed.D, University of Vermont

Abstract: Preparing classroom teachers to work with students with diverse learning needs is a challenge that has been well documented by the literature. Earning a dual license in general and special education has been posited as one possible solution to this challenge. This paper reports on a qualitative study that examined the differences between dually licensed and traditionally prepared educators with regards to their self-efficacy and ideas about inclusion. Findings suggest that teachers who earn a dual license in general education and special education may have a stronger sense of self-efficacy as well as a stronger skill set for working with students with disabilities and other types of difference.

Keywords: teacher education, dual license, inclusion, special education

Effects of Different Camera Perspectives on Preservice Teachers’ Written Reflections

Wilhelmina van Dijk, Ph.D., Holly B. Lane, Ph.D., University of Florida
Abstract: Promoting meaningful reflection from teacher candidates is an ongoing challenge for many teacher preparation programs. Video-based reflection provides an opportunity for candidates to examine their own teaching more closely as they reflect on their continued growth. This study examined the role of different cameras and camera angles in the reflection process for preservice teachers implementing one-on-one reading tutoring sessions. In particular, we were interested in whether using video from head-mounted cameras as a basis for reflection activities would have an influence on the focus and type of statements used in reflections. We were also interested in the advantages and disadvantages of the different cameras from the teacher candidates’ perspectives. Results indicate that camera type did not influence the focus and type of reflective statements. In general, candidates preferred the traditional camera setup, but the head-mounted camera did offer some advantages. Implications for practice and future research are discussed.

Keywords: Video analysis, teacher reflection, teacher preparation, tutoring

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Paul Luelmo, Ph.D.
San Diego State University
Email: pluelmo@sdsu.edu

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Jemma Kim, Ph.D.
California State University, San Bernardino
Email: jemmakim@csusb.edu